iOS 14 has been released on WWDC2020 last month along with new Mac OS & iPad OS 14. It has shown major performance and stability improvements even in the first beta. I was impressed how well it runs on my own iPhone and I can say iOS beta has never been more stable than on iOS 14 beta 1. However there are still some corks and issues that users run into that are expected to be fixed after few beta releases.

So when iOS 14 beta 2 will be released? Well, if we take a look at the Apple’s release cycle, the answer is clear – on 6th or 7th of July, because Apple tends to release new betas after 2 weeks. So be prepared to update it as soon as it gets released. It will not only make your iPhone more stable but speed it up a bit as well.
If you’d like to install the latest beta on your iPhone or iPad – use our Tutorial or just follow quick steps:
- Visit and install it
- Launch it from the homescreen and go into second tab and scroll down
- find iOS 14 update profile and install it, restart your iPhone right after it
So there you have it, iOS 14 has brought so many new cool features and changes that many users appreciate , and it will be getting even better with every each new update.