Tesla Cybertruck is definitely the most controversial vehicle made in the last 10 to 20 years. It is not only considered as a “Car from another planet” but also a big “Meme Machine”. It did truly introduce a lot of discussion and memes along with it. A few careful people found some details about Cybertruck that need to be corrected or changed.
Cybertruck lacks “normal” car standards
If you were careful enough, you may have seen that Cybertruck lacks side mirrors.

In a real world all cars have side mirrors for safety measures and it’s unclear how and where these side mirros are going to be located in a Cybertruck.
Next, Cybertruck doesn’t have a high beam option in the front row. We can clearly see the diode strip acting as a headlights, which in theory may not be enough. But there is definitely no high beam option installed. Both aspects describe every modern car which is licensed to be driven on the street at any location.

All in all, there are many of these norms, which I described above, exist no only in the US but also EU. And ever after Elon Musk said that Tesla Cybertruck is going to be a US-only exclusive vehicle, it’s still a question how a fully prepared and legal Cybertruck is going to look like.
Luckily, I’ve got a picture designed by Motor 1 that demonstrates exactly that. And that might be exactly what we will see after Cybertruck production starts.

Anyway, it’s not a secret that Elon Musk is a clever individual, he, in any possible way, will profit from Cybertruck even if won’t get into the production. Because of the latest information that says he will make completely different Cybertruck in case consumers won’t show a big demand for the current version. So, that is it for now, let me know what you think about it in the comment below.