Apps4iphone is one of the earliest Cydia Alternatives that was built in the iNojb and Zestia times. It offers not only ++Apps or Tweaked Apps but also few customization options and iOS beta profiles. The main advantage of it is it has multiple versions of Specific Tweaked Apps, which get revoked in other stores from time to time, but on Apps4iPhone you can always get another signed version. The store features apps such as: Instagram++, Spotify++, TikTok++, Snapchat++, Minecraft and others. It doesn’t require you to have a jailbreak installed or connect your device to computer – just visit the website and it will install a WebApp in a few seconds!

If you are a YouTuber, you can make a video about Apps4iPhone and send it to them, so your video will appear on their main page and get more attention. Also if some apps cannot be installed, that means they are most likely revoked, but will be fixed in a short time.