
Videos Found in IOS 11 show how it could have looked like

The well known developer in IOS community, Guilherme Rambo, found some interesting videos in the IOS beta firmware. They represent an earlier Alpha / Pre Beta version of the IOS 11 with additional useful features which didn’t make it into the public version. Interestingly enough, Guilherme Rambo claims that videos were made or placed into the IOS image in back in May.

The first video shows a possible Control Center location in the Notification Sheet on the right side. Apple probably decided to remove it later because it was a huge risk to implement control center in such a way, as all of the previous versions had CC accessible from all of the screens.

The next video explains what could potentially replace a Control Center activation gesture. At that point it was replaced by the multitasking.

There are still a few questions left for discussion:

  1. Why there is a green line on the right side of the videos?
  2. Where is the iPhone home button? Could this be the early leak of iPhone 7s?