
Apple Released iOS 13: Dark Mode, Face ID faster, Swipe to type

ios 13 dark mode

ios 13 dark mode

Today, Apple released and demoed iOS 13. It is a huge release that was based on improving performance. Face ID unlock is now faster by 30 % and developer packages, that come to Appstore – they are smaller so App Launch speed is 2x faster!

iOS 13

Dark mode is a big feature, all apps now support it :

iOS 13 dark mode

Reminders now got even better and have been rewritten from ground up and Maps got 4x detalization in comparison to the previous version.

Maps are also now more private and secure.

Now, in apps, you can sing in with apple account, without using facebook or Google and you can keep your email private with Apple Email encryption.

Talking about Memoji – there are now stickers that you can make with yourself.

memoji stickers

Camera – photo and video just got new editor built it. For videos – you can rotate videos and apply effects with ease.