
XigTeam is Fake. No jailbreak for iPhone 7 & 7 Plus

Yesterday after making another jailbreak update video about XigTeam and what to possibly expect from them, in a few hours later they have radically changed everything. They changed the profile picture & name on their twitter, now pretending to be Tim Cook. This surprised me in the first place because last time I did a video about them, they started to be more active on twitter, now after the second one, they exposed themselves, so I thinking if there is any connection between these events. There was another theory that XigTeam just got hacked and I personally was hoping for it, as we can clearly see how XigTeam always had not the best English knowledge, however this new guy speaks English fluently. We may consider this the biggest trolling of all jailbreak community, where even bloggers had a slight hope for them. Anyways let’s leave it for the history and learn on our mistakes so we can get this valuable experience and never trust anyone again. More great videos and news are coming, we are 7 hours away from the long-waited Apple Keynote.

Update: their twitter account has  been suspended.